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Keep Your Food Safe This Summer

Keep Your Food Safe This Summer

Summer promises sunshine, heat, and carefree gatherings with families and friends. It also coincides with an increase in food poisoning as warmer temperatures cause foodborne germs to thrive. It’s important to keep your food safe this summer by taking proactive measures.

How Father’s Day Evolved to a National Holiday

How Father’s Day Evolved to a National Holiday

Dads have it made! They get an entire day devoted to them (yes, just like the moms) but they get their holiday at the start of summer! So everyone can join the celebration of dad with fun activities like BBQ-ing, boating, fishing, baseball and the beach. But we didn’t always celebrate Father’s Day, here’s some interesting info on how Father’s Day evolved into a national holiday.

Yikes!  June is National Candy Month!

Yikes! June is National Candy Month!

There can’t be a sweeter way to kick off the first month of summer than by celebrating National Candy Month! It’s a fun way to enjoy the freedom of summer by recognizing the candy treats we have all loved for so long!

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