Gearing Up and Staying Ready for this School Year

School is in full gear now, you made it through the first couple of weeks and now you are adjusting to the new demands of schedules, athletics, homework and the the everyday stresses associated with school children. So what is the magic key for the family to unlock health and wellness and keep you all on track AND enthused about school? Did you know that your efforts in this school year will have a long-term effect on your children and their health?

Schools play a critical role in promoting the health and safety of young people and helping them establish lifelong healthy behavior patterns. Whether your children are in kindergarten or college, health and safety should always be at the top of the list. With your kids in school, it is good to keep these things in mind:

1. Check that your children are up to date on vaccinations. It’s not too late if you missed this, contact your local health organization or doctor and find out if your child is up to date.

2. Know the ABC’s of concussions. Children are active in athletics on a daily basis, and some of the sports can get a bit rough. It is vital that you know the signs to rule out a concussion if your child is participating in a contact sport.

3. Be aware of warning signs and effects of bullying and other youth violence. Provide time for family discussion in the evenings and an opportunity for your child to talk about their day openly and honestly without fear of judgement.

4. Pledge to keep your teen drivers safe. Communicate and teach your children how to stay in touch with you and to always let you know where they are going. Show them by example the rules for safe driving and proper road “etiquette”.

5. Stay involved in your children’s school life to support their health and learning. This is key. Parents are busy busy these days with work and home responsibilities, it’s easy to let school fizzle on the back burner. Run your day like a business and stay involved with teachers and coaches on a regular basis. Always keep your child’s school, their teachers and administrators just a call away. The more you stay involved, the better chance your child has to maximize their education.




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